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The lessons I am going to share with you are going to be the various lessons I have learned in business. These lessons range from general business lessons to Real estate specific. This time we are going to talk about how views don’t equal income.

No matter where you are in your business journey if you are in business or about to be in business understanding how to market your company is extremely important. Most of the time when you first start out you are going to have a bunch of companies calling you to sell their service of marketing your business.

In the beginning, my opinion is that you should learn how to market your business yourself in some form or fashion. This will give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t. You don’t have to be a marketing guru but this will help you to be better informed whenever you approach or are approached by marketing companies.

Videos and Views

One of the easiest and most powerful tools right now in 2022 to market your business is videos. In reality, it does not have to be complicated and I have shot 100s of videos from my cell phone. In another post, I will talk about the ins and outs of making videos. For the most part, so that you have an idea of what we talk about and where we get the ideas for videos it comes from answering the common questions we get.

Once you have done your first video keep going don’t stop. The way I see it is the fact that I completed a video means I’ve done more than most. What you need to understand is that as you do videos and get more views this doesn’t mean that your business is going to take off overnight. I won’t lie to you the more views you get your business will change but not overnight. Consistency is Key!

One Month From Broke

It will take time before you start to see the fruits of your labor. The reason I want to press the point how views don’t equal income is that I heard a podcast the other day with Jay Shetty where he mentioned there was a point early in his career where he was getting 100s of Millions of views and he was a month from being broke because at that time he wasn’t making income from the views.

Where I have seen this in the businesses that I am a part of is you can have a string of videos out where you only have a couple of dozen views but you are getting calls all day. On the flip side, you could have a string of videos that do 1000s of views and not get one call. I want to digress a bit here in that the type of industry you are in plays a big role as well. In certain industries like Real Estate, everyone and their mother is doing videos so if you have to compete with those it could be tough.

Views are great to determine which type of videos work best for your audience but don’t let this be the only avenue you are using.

More lines in Water mean More Fish

Lastly as mentioned in the beginning understanding how to market your business is very important. You should be trying multiple types of marketing to see what works. Calls, mailers, videos, blogs, door knocking, networking, all of these can be used. In my opinion, all of them should be used because the more lines you have in the water the more fish you can catch. Don’t rely on just one because if something happens to that one stream your business could suffer. 

Thank you for reading, Be safe, Drive safe, and drink water.

Sincerely, Evan

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